I mentioned in this post that I had signed my first contract. My story, “Sword of Songs” is now published and purchasable in the book on Amazon, here!

I’m very excited to see my work in print for the first time. This story was written and edited in only 24 hours, as part of an event hosted by the Toronto Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers group. For 24 hours we wrote, shared and helped each other edit stories on the theme of “Legacy”. The collection has over 30 stories by the members of this varied and talented group.

What you’ll see in this collection might not be as clean as you’re used to, given that we only had 24 hours to create and edit. So yes, they might seem a little rough around the edges, a little unplanned. But I think the best moments in my life have been unplanned. If you’re interested in the process of writing, it’s also an interesting look at how things begin.

I do feel like this is a beginning for me, in that I hope this is just the first of many things to be published in the years to come. I also think this story may be the start of something larger – the characters are still taking up space in mind, even though they’ve made it to the page. I think they have more to say, if I give them a little time to live in my mind. Judging from the things some of the other writers have been sharing in our meetings, I’m not the only one in this anthology who thinks they have a good idea to be developed.

I hope you’ll choose to read Legacy, and see what we’ve made for you.

2 thoughts on “I’ve Been Published!

  1. Community - Erin Tells Lies

    […] was the official launch party for Legacy, the one-shot anthology I mentioned in this post a few weeks ago. It was a small affair held at our usual Saturday morning meeting place. The […]

  2. New Channels - Erin Tells Lies

    […] who have been following me for a while might remember that last year I participated in an event to write and edit a complete short story in 24 hours. A book was published with the stories from […]

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