Obviously, it’s not actually Groundhog Day. I’m a bit late on that if we want to be technical. But I’m feeling like it’s Groundhog Day in the movie sense, in that we’ve gotten to the end of February and here I am […]
As I worked through my edits this week, some of the feedback one of my alpha readers included stopped me dead in my editing session. It was a point about my main characters; namely that they had interesting personalities and characterizations, but […]
Today I had the pleasure of engaging in some gaming of the D&D variety with some of my writing friends. For anyone not familiar, essentially one person is the story teller, directing the players through a set of scenarios, where they try […]
I’m feeling like the proverbial broken record today. Every week is a refrain of “still editing, but it’s going pretty well.” This week is no different. I’m still editing and it’s still going pretty well. I suspect that next week I’ll still […]