Earlier this week I hit another milestone – I sent four people digital copies of my novel. On Monday, I will have printed copies for the three people who preferred a physical copy to mark up. A bit later than the November […]
At the end of October, I told you all that I was done dithering, and committed to getting my novel in front of my selected alpha readers by the end of November. It’s now November 27, and it’s time I got moving. […]
I finished another story this week, and I always find it strange how difficult it is to switch from one work to the next. I had this problem when I finished my novel, after spending three years writing that story and living […]
Yesterday was the official launch party for Legacy, the one-shot anthology I mentioned in this post a few weeks ago. It was a small affair held at our usual Saturday morning meeting place. The attendees consisted mostly of those who had contributed […]
Patience is not a thing that comes naturally to me. As a kid and as a teenager (and even as an adult if I’m honest) I would try things, and if I wasn’t passably capable at them right away, I’d just tell […]
*I’ll be posting some websites here. These are not paid promotions, just things that have helped me in my writing and I offer them freely because I love them. Writing is a unique kind of solitude. I sit by myself […]