To my great relief, February is over. I know March still isn’t great for a lot of people, but for myself I can feel things changing. My sleep is still not great, I’m not going out with friends as much as I […]
I’m not a person who sets New Year’s resolutions. I used to, and they invariably failed. A single failure or setback on the road to some lofty goal, and I immediately fall into despair that I’m not good enough. The goal then […]
Earlier this week I hit another milestone – I sent four people digital copies of my novel. On Monday, I will have printed copies for the three people who preferred a physical copy to mark up. A bit later than the November […]
At the end of October, I told you all that I was done dithering, and committed to getting my novel in front of my selected alpha readers by the end of November. It’s now November 27, and it’s time I got moving. […]
A little less than a year ago, I finished writing my first novel. I then spent several months editing it, including completely re-writing the ending. I was, and am, very proud of this book, but what it really needs right now is […]