To my great relief, February is over. I know March still isn’t great for a lot of people, but for myself I can feel things changing. My sleep is still not great, I’m not going out with friends as much as I […]
By the time Sunday rolls around, I’ll have some idea of what I’m going to write about for this blog. I’ve never had a true plan or outline for my posts, but something will happen and I’ll think to myself “there’s a […]
February is, in my mind, the worst month. I don’t care that it’s the shortest, I just count that as the tiniest of blessings in this otherwise inexcusable misery of a time period. It doesn’t matter that the light is starting to […]
Warning: Mild spoilers ahead for Stephen King’s Fairy Tale. I’m staying away from major plot points and being as vague as possible about the elements I do talk about, but I don’t want to be blamed for ruining anyone’s good time. […]
I buckled down this week and started reviewing one of my alpha reader’s suggestions and edits for my novel. One of the things I had to figure out was how, exactly, I’m going to approach this. The book is long, and I […]
I’m not a person who sets New Year’s resolutions. I used to, and they invariably failed. A single failure or setback on the road to some lofty goal, and I immediately fall into despair that I’m not good enough. The goal then […]
I’ve always wished I was an artist, of the drawing or painting type. My mind is filled with visions of beautiful things, but I’ve never had the talent or patience to learn to create them. What comes out on paper is always […]
On the last episode of the Erin Tells Lies blog, I told you about how I’d sent out the first digital copies of my novel to my selected alpha readers. This week, I received the three physical copies I ordered for those […]
I finished another story this week, and I always find it strange how difficult it is to switch from one work to the next. I had this problem when I finished my novel, after spending three years writing that story and living […]
Patience is not a thing that comes naturally to me. As a kid and as a teenager (and even as an adult if I’m honest) I would try things, and if I wasn’t passably capable at them right away, I’d just tell […]