The last time I checked in, I said I was going to take a week off to get my sleep in order and just give my brain a rest. That one week became two, and then became six. At no point did […]
I woke up last Sunday with a sore throat and a bit of a cough, but not enough to interfere with my blogging and editing. It got worse that night though, and I spent this past week feeling tired, woozy and generally […]
Obviously, it’s not actually Groundhog Day. I’m a bit late on that if we want to be technical. But I’m feeling like it’s Groundhog Day in the movie sense, in that we’ve gotten to the end of February and here I am […]
Today I had the pleasure of engaging in some gaming of the D&D variety with some of my writing friends. For anyone not familiar, essentially one person is the story teller, directing the players through a set of scenarios, where they try […]
I’m feeling like the proverbial broken record today. Every week is a refrain of “still editing, but it’s going pretty well.” This week is no different. I’m still editing and it’s still going pretty well. I suspect that next week I’ll still […]
November has passed and took NaMoWriMo with it. I feel like I had a very successful NaNo, with only three days I didn’t work on my novel. While it’s supposed to be an every day thing, I will always cut myself some […]
I’m extremely pleased to report that I’ve maintained my daily editing habit this week. Progress is slow, as I’m still finding editing and re-writing to be a much more difficult and clunky process than just writing, but progress is being made. My […]
So here we are at blog entry #50. It’s been a little over a year now that I’ve been updating this site. If I’m honest, I’m surprised I’ve gotten this far with it. My track record with consistency in any kind of […]
The process of getting back to normal has been more challenging than I expected. Part of it is the jet lag (though I think I’m mostly over that other than a lingering propensity for early mornings). Part of it is that my […]
This week I finally finished the rewrites of the opening of my novel. It still needs polishing, of course, but I’ve managed to bend it and reshape it into something a bit more streamlined, while (hopefully) adding more tension and conflict. I […]