Another week, another complete lack of editing. I will freely admit I’m getting frustrated and discouraged at this point. It’s like my brain just refuses to engage in any extra thought. Once work is done it shuts down until the beginning of […]
I had a really productive day earlier this week, and was feeling good that I’d finally moved past the new scene I’d been struggling with. Finally, I thought to myself, we’re going to make some real progress again. I had 78 pages […]
It’s been a pretty quiet week, writing-wise, with the usual struggles and victories of motivation and editing. Which is to say that some days I didn’t edit, but then other days I did, and so the work continues. One thing I’ve decided […]
I wish I could say that this past week was full of inspiration and victories in the wake of my convention in Ottawa and receiving the new anthology I was published in. Unfortunately, it was another week of feeling too drained and […]
So here we are at blog entry #50. It’s been a little over a year now that I’ve been updating this site. If I’m honest, I’m surprised I’ve gotten this far with it. My track record with consistency in any kind of […]
In the last couple of weeks I’ve watched three movies that were…not good. One of them was straight up awful, the second was bad and lazy and the third was just bland. Now, to be fair, I’ve seen some really good movies […]
February is, in my mind, the worst month. I don’t care that it’s the shortest, I just count that as the tiniest of blessings in this otherwise inexcusable misery of a time period. It doesn’t matter that the light is starting to […]
Earlier this week I hit another milestone – I sent four people digital copies of my novel. On Monday, I will have printed copies for the three people who preferred a physical copy to mark up. A bit later than the November […]
At the end of October, I told you all that I was done dithering, and committed to getting my novel in front of my selected alpha readers by the end of November. It’s now November 27, and it’s time I got moving. […]