Hello, friends. I apologize for my unannounced absence last week. It was a planned absence, as my wonderful mother was here from the East Coast to spend the week with me and my sister. I’d meant to post a little note advising I’d be away, but the combination of a persistent cold getting worse again and the preparations for my mother’s arrival pushed that out of my head.

I’m sure you can guess that between illness and my mother’s visit, I’ve gotten very little done in the last couple of weeks. As such I don’t have much to say today, but I did want to check in with a quick update, so as to avert any thoughts that this might now be one of the many abandoned blogs that litter the internet like tiny coastal islands, visible in the distance but never visited.

As of today I’m getting back on the editing horse, and I’ll be updating like normal next week. Hopefully I’ll see you then!

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