I’ve been talking for a while now about the fact that I’ve been struggling. Back in February I wrote about how I was suffering from seasonal depression, and in March I thought it was getting better (and to be fair, I was […]
I went to a concert last night for a band that’s relatively new to me, but has been around for a long time. During the show the lead singer mentioned they’d been touring for 18 years. They’ve existed longer than that and […]
At my second meeting with the Toronto Sci-Fi and Fantasy Writer’s group, I read a piece of my writing out loud for the first time in my life. I was so nervous I could barely get the words out to read it […]
My apologies for the late update. Sunday was busier than expected (in a good way) but thankfully the long weekend means I can make it up today. Last Monday I got something very exciting – my first personalized rejection! But wait, you […]
I’m a person who can only add so much to my life at once. If I try to form multiple habits simultaneously or start multiple new activities, chances are I’ll start feeling overwhelmed and end up doing none of them. I’ve learned […]
In addition to buckling down on editing my novel, I’ve been trying to put an equal effort into editing a movie script a friend wrote. I’ve been doing a kind of “one for him, one for me” approach, where if I put […]
I know I’ve expressed a lot lately that I’m struggling with patience as I wait for responses to my submissions and do the seemingly endless editing of my novel. This week was no exception and actually feels like a doubling-down on that […]
I’m beginning to understand why the website for finding places to submit your stories is called The Submission Grinder. The rejections keep on rolling in – I got four more this week. I’ve resubmitted three of them and intend to have the […]
…is definitely a thing I’m lacking. That funk I wrote about back in February is lingering longer than I expected. It’s improved in that I don’t have that “running on empty” feeling anymore. Just the same, my motivation has really been lacking. […]
As I expected, my first rejection has come in. Of the three stories I submitted for publication last weekend, the first got its rejection notice in two days. I’m still waiting to hear back on the other stories, but I can’t say […]