Those who have been following me for a while might remember that last year I participated in an event to write and edit a complete short story in 24 hours. A book was published with the stories from all the participants, including […]
Every week I sit down to write this entry and wish I could tell you that this is the week everything came together again and I’m back on track. Unsurprisingly, it’s not that easy. I am, however, happy to say that I […]
At my second meeting with the Toronto Sci-Fi and Fantasy Writer’s group, I read a piece of my writing out loud for the first time in my life. I was so nervous I could barely get the words out to read it […]
My apologies for the late update. Sunday was busier than expected (in a good way) but thankfully the long weekend means I can make it up today. Last Monday I got something very exciting – my first personalized rejection! But wait, you […]
…is definitely a thing I’m lacking. That funk I wrote about back in February is lingering longer than I expected. It’s improved in that I don’t have that “running on empty” feeling anymore. Just the same, my motivation has really been lacking. […]
I had the incredible fortune to be part of a retreat this weekend with 10 of my fellow writers. It was wonderfully fun and vastly inspiring. Writing with friends, bouncing ideas off each other, giving feedback, and sharing knowledge – this felt […]
I don’t have a topic for today. I haven’t had any of the little epiphanies of the sort I usually turn into posts. So instead I’m going talk about a few different moments from the week. Maybe these little vignettes will show […]
I once read something saying J.R.R. Tolkien expressly denied that The Lord of the Rings was in any way an allegory or commentary on the World Wars, despite many scholars and readers insisting the influence is clear. For a long time I […]
When I was in elementary school, they tried to teach us the importance of editing and drafts in writing. They’d make us write a rough draft, then edit it for a second draft, and then another round of editing to produce our […]
By the time Sunday rolls around, I’ll have some idea of what I’m going to write about for this blog. I’ve never had a true plan or outline for my posts, but something will happen and I’ll think to myself “there’s a […]